A.N.Y House of Designs is run by Nattaline Young

Nattaline has been in business for almost 7 years and will has showcased her brand, “YR” YOUNG RAPHAELS in the Elementz of Couture Fashion Event in July. Nattaline will be returning for our November show !!!

Nattaline was inspired when she went to an old Fashion Church, she noticed that the ladies were not allowed to wear trousers, she also realised they had to be cover up and wear hats.

This inspired her to make better clothes than what she was seeing, which effectually lead to her studying and becoming a Fashion Designer .

Nattalines collection is both sporty & smart and yet again she will be making a new collection for The Elementz of Couture Fashion Show.

Nattaline has also taken part in an Elementz of Couture Photoshoot workshop and the Elementz Brand models rocked her Garments!!!!